Our equation with parent is of immense importance. In fact , we grow with their suggestion As we all know, parenting children is a skill. It requires meticulous planning, organized though, scientific and cool courage. Parents from time must contact the school authorities teachers. To discuss the progress of children. All you need to do is todeposit your total faith in us, so that we and you see children flowering into beautiful human being. To succeed, it is a fact, we have to evolve with time. One has to reinvent continuously. Thus no two session re the same for we take a proactive stance, consistently endorsed by parents and student as a value provide and an enable we are all out matching with times and tastes.
Some area of exposition are as old as creation – language ability , Art Dance and Music to the orientation of time, of computation, reasoning and information. As the adage goes Children come to school different and it is the job of school to make them even more different”.

C.C.A. as an extended learning opportunity is doing just that. Co –curricular Activities, which are an anchor to wholesome growth, see the infusion of fresh ideas. Math and other competition are conducted every Friday among the four HOUSES of School Diamond House, Emerald House, Ruby House and Sapphire House to hone up the skill of the student.
Besides individualized competence training, we have inter-House Display Board, release of school magazine, Prize for Maintenance of Book. It is positive energy to drench ourselves at work. Good work reaps good harvest. So then celebrating is in the thing.
- Do not just invest on the child also invest in the child. Investment in” ensures inner enfoldment and outer prosperity. True education is investment complemented with investment in the child.
- Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit. Education is not only a load of information but also the light of transformation. Impact update quality education is what we aim at.
- Accord high priority to innovation in teaching learning process.
- Experience the pried and being an India, to live and celebrate the concept of Indian-ness.
- Provides practical and judicious combination of academic excellence extra-curricular pursuits, character building and personality development.
- The vital area of focus includes in citizenship. Civic consciousness, fostering pride in being an Indian and Vital national concerns such as Unity in diversity. It aims at creating dedicated and committed citizen who take real pried in serving the nation. Parents, teachers meeting will be conducted after every test for the students.